The following information is cited from VQ's manifest when it comes to elbow pain, the symptoms, the management, and the exercises you can do to prevent and improve/heal it with the resistance chair exercise system!
We'll be posting more of these "medical protocols and guidelines" from VQ Actioncare down the road so you can read and follow the steps to each series of injury improvement with the Resistance Chair.
General Information
Elbow pain may be due to many different conditions affecting the joint or in the surrounding
muscles or tissues. Overuse or injury can predispose the elbow to inflammation and
swelling leading to pain. Swelling may occur from inflammation of lubricating sacs
(bursa) located between certain tissues. If elbow pain is not treated properly initially, it
can become a chronically painful problem. Muscle tendons and muscle-to-bone insertion
sites (epicondyles) are common areas of inflammatory processes. There are two main
epicondyles in the elbow located on the outer (lateral) and inner (medial) parts. There are
also multiple nerves that course around the elbow region which can become compressed
contributing to pain. If the elbow is injured, disruption or damage may occur in the
supporting tissues (ligaments) also causing pain. Most conditions affecting the elbow can
be treated successfully with a proper exercise and stretching program.
People with elbow pain often report exacerbation with certain movements such as flexion or
extension of the wrist. Certain activities and/or sports may also cause painful elbow flares.
Swelling of the elbow region and loss of full range of motion can result is some patients.
Pain on the outer portion of the elbow is most common and is often from inflammation
of the lateral epicondyle, know as “lateral epicondylitis”. If weakness or sensory changes
such as numbness occur in the arm or hand, it may be a sign of nerve compression or
damage may be occurring.
The diagnosis of elbow pain syndromes are made by a healthcare professional following
a focused history and exam to identify this condition. X-Ray, MRI, or other studies may be
performed for further evaluation if necessary but are usually not needed.
Treatment of elbow pain involves pain relieving medications such as nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (such as Ibuprofen), therapy modalities (heat, cold, electrical
stimulation), modification of exacerbating activities, and a specific rehabilitation program.
Bracing may be indicated in some cases to reduce repetitive movements allowing tissues
to heal. One example of a brace is the forearm band which may be helpful in some patients.
Some patients who do not respond to conservative treatment may be candidates for a
steroid injection (epidural) or may require surgical evaluation.
The goal of a therapy program is to reduce inflammation and restore elbow and forearm
muscle strength resulting in decreased pain. A recent study demonstrated that patients
with elbow pain from chronic lateral epicondylitis showed a significant decrease in pain,
recovery of the muscle weakness, and improvement of the forearm tendons on imaging
studies (1). It also showed improvements in the ability to perform work related tasks and
increased participation in recreational activities (1). A regular exercise therapy is a vital
component of elbow pain treatment and prevention.
The Resistance Chair Solution
The Resistance Chair Solution incorporates specific stretches and exercises to target
and treat elbow pain from a variety of conditions. This program is designed to reduce
this inflammation by improving flexibility and strength along with joint mobilization. The
program also balances elbow musculature further stabilizing the joint and reducing
repetitive injuries. These exercises are essential for maintaining and restoring strength in
the arm and forearm muscles. Development of a regular toning program combined with
activity modifications is important in preventing recurrences.
Check out the exercises for elbow pain, using the Resistance Chair, HERE!